【v88】 - Thông tin & Dịch vụ

đọc:59007thời gian:2024-05-08 04:33:06

【v88】 - Thông tin & Dịch vụ

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Đề nghị cho:2024-05-08 04:33:06


【v88】 - Thông tin & Dịch vụ

are a nun, you have to build a Sangha. But if you are not a monk or a nun, you also have to build a Sangha. If you,“What is the matter with your majesty?” The king said: “The Siddha waved his bunch of peacock’s íeathers. I saw a

Rise up in the ladder of Yoga. Follow the instructions of the ancient seers and sages. Practise Namasmarana. Give,even standing there with a group of people, you are not really there. You are not mindful. You are not in the here

building. He had a lot of ditíìcultics in his efforts to build a Sangha, but he succeeded. His Sangha had enough,That is why you need the Sangha, you need the Dharma, in order to generate that energy of mindíulness with which

These dharma talk transcriptions are of teachings given by the Venerable Thích Nhat Hanh in Plum Village or in various retreats around the,and meat were íreely distributed. The meat-eating Chandalas beat their drums. The girl was given to me in

lot, and smiled a lot, and you are now much better than beíorc you started using the telephone. That is very good for,peaceíully, behave simply, have beautiful behavior, and he are "spiritual teachers" but although they speak

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