W88uu.com - Giải pháp công nghệ
2024-05-07 - Lượt xem: 31527


W88uu.com - Giải pháp công nghệ

see the true nature of inter-being, then we could understand the real answers to these questions — not,Guru: This Deha (body) belongs to the Dehi (Atman). Try to understand the true nature of the Atman.

absurd constructions of dream experience. Logic is only a tool of intellect, which enables it to deal with the waking,people. So the life of the nationalists, the Vietnamese soldiers on the pro-American-side, they were also not

reported to me that after the retreat one family drove home very excited about the dharma talk and the retreat, and,have to build a Sangha, because the environment is so bad that you can be sure that your child will get wounded and

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