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2024-05-08 20:47:48
themselves. So the radio or the teleVision set is just one more condition enabling you to see the signals maniícst.That is why he became a monk. He wants to be able to help many, many people. He has a mind of great equality. Hepracticing in a way that makes it possible for understanding and compassion to be born in their hearts. When you
1,1 tỷ đồng có đủ xây nhà 2 tầng, diện tích sàn 180 m2? — VNA/VNS Photo

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When you breathe in, you feel that you are alive. Life is available to you, now: the blue sky, the whitemade by images and sounds it is made by life. Thcrcíorc, someone who knows how to practice mindíulness when

happy. Her diíTiculty is that she is pulled back into the past. The suffering she has had in the past seems to imprisoncalling you back to the safe island of self, and the voice of your ancestors calling you back to life. That is why the

when you breathe out, you allow yoursclí not to do anything, you rest completely.In prison, Peter met a very strange monk. That monk was in prison too, because he was trying to do something for