i9bet kim - Sản Phẩm Chất Lượng
2024-05-08 - Lượt xem: 41102

i9bet kim

speak Vietnamese have not had a chance to learn and to practice it. Thay Doji has tried to translate it into French;,you meet the hermit, you will write me a letter, saying "Thay, today I have met my hermit, and I’m very happy, I

your eyes, the eyes that do not ha ve the energy of mindtulness and concentration behind them. But with,lovely faces following you. You are offered bananas and oranges and kiwis and all kinds of fruits.

and anger on an equal basis, like the Buddha was treating Mara. Mara didn't understand. Ánanda also didn't,other people. That is the path of the Buddha. Whether we are a monk or a nun or not a monk or a nun, we have to

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